These past few days, it's truly felt like I'm living my dreams. When you write your first novel, you can only hope that someday a publisher will want to publish it and readers will want to read it. Dream number one came true when Macmillan offered me a contract to publish both Tell No Lies and my second novel (still untitled - but officially sent off to my editor today!). Dream number two came true last Thursday night at Left Bank Books. I was simply overwhelmed by the number of people who turned out to show their support, listen to me blabber on and read from the novel, and buy books! The bookstore was packed with family, friends, friends of family and friends, and even some people who just heard about me and/or the book in the media. Afterwards, Shane at Left Bank (who, by the way, gave an introduction that blew me away --he should be a publicist -- he made me sound much better than I am) said they'd sold out! I am so blessed and grateful, and I hope I remembered to tell everyone that several times! THANK YOU TO EVERYONE!
On to some more pics. . . (will someone please tell me how to get pictures to go where you want them on Blogger . . .? And how to label them?)
This is my friend Lisa, who has been a great cheerleader -- talking the book up at every chance she gets and putting me in contact with some crucial media contacts.
Top left below: I had nothing to do with the magazine placement behind me! I have my husband to thank for those hi-jinks. Middle right below: Sunny, my fabulous mother-in-law, and Missouri Supreme Court Judge Mary Russell. (How many writers can say they've had a Supreme Court judge at their book launch?)
Middle left above: my nephew Robbie and soon-to-be sister-in-law Devorah.
To the top right: Clyde and Phyllis (Clyde finding out the main character is not him . . .) Bottom left: The banners that greeted us upon our arrival at my in-laws. (It was also my daughter's 16th b-day this past weekend!) (I'll post more pics when I figure out to do it right . . .)